Frequently Asked Questions
Flying Acres, LLC is a fully functional Aerial Drone Application Company that connects farmers with today’s new technology, along with helping provide exceptional service to these producers and landowners. We are an Aerial Application Company that fits the needs of each individual. We are committed to service the stewards of the land
Both liquid and granular products. The most common liquid applications are fungicides, insecticides, foliar fertilizers, and herbicides. Granular applications include broadcast cover crops and fertilizers.
The Agras T30 has an 8 gallon spray tank and a 70 pound capacity spreading tank.
The Agras T40 is a step up from the Agras T30. This new drone has a 10 gallon spray tank and a 110 pound capacity spreading tank. Another Agras T40 upgrade includes a Dual Atomized Spraying System, rather than the spraying nozzles of the Agras T30.
The Agras T30 and T40 can apply 1-7 gallons per acre of liquid product and 3-300 pounds per acre of granular product. Low volume rates (typically 2 gallons per acre) are the most common for these drones. Due to the prop wash, which is designed to distribute and penetrate the product across and through the canopy, we have found both drone to be highly efficient with a wide range of products at a low volume rate.
As a rule of thumb, 2 gallons per acre (GPA) is commonly labeled as the carrier volume for most aerial applied products. The mas realistic efficiencies at 2 GPA are listed below. These include landing and refill time.
T30: 25-30 acres per hour
T40: 30-45 acres per hour

Flying Acres, LLC
Feel free to contact us if you would like to know more or have any questions related to our services
+1(616) 570 3192
+1(616) 902-7470
8608 Masters Rd
Howard City, MI 49329